Required Physical Exam Forms

Required Physical Exam Forms

Physical Exams and Forms are required for all incoming 9th grade students,  transfer students, 11th Grade Students,  and all student athletes 

A current physical exam and record of immunizations are required for all students entering / attending NSHAHS. A current physical exam is valid for one calendar year. 

PLEASE NOTE: Even if your child’s physical exam form is not due until later in the school year, you must complete all other Magnus requirements by the July 15th, 2023 deadline.

Additional Required Medical Forms:

  • Health History (parent completes)
  • Physical Exam Form (signed and stamped by physician)
  • Dental Form 
  • Confidential Waiver (parent completes)
  • Record of Immunizations (signed and stamped by physician)
  • NSHAHS Immunization Compliance Agreement (parent completes)
  • Medical Release (parent completes)
  • Emergency Contact Form

If applicable, complete the appropriate Action Plans (Asthma, Allergy, Diabetic Medical Management Plan, Seizure, etc.) as well as the Independent Provider and Parental Consent form for Independent Self-Carry and Self-Medication. This form applies only to epi-pens, inhalers and diabetic management. These Action Plans must be dated after the last day of the current year to be valid for the upcoming year. 

All students must be in full compliance with the ACIP Immunization Guidelines for admission/attendance in school. Students are required to have their current medical documentation up to date in Magnus Health prior to the first day of school.

Please note: Medications should be taken at home. According to New York State requirements, all medication that cannot be taken at home, including prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, requires a written prescription from the physician and written parental consent for the administration of medication at school. The prescription and OTC form is available on Magnus Health. If you would like the NSHAHS team to be able to give your children over-the-counter medication, you will have to get a doctor’s consent. Medications are to be labeled with your child’s name, and the written prescription and the pharmacy vial must read identically. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and immediate attention to this matter.


Mrs. Joy C. Susi RN

School Nurse

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