Our students begin their study of Talmud and Torah She be’al Peh in sixth grade, exploring the discussions at the foundation of Judaism’s beautiful traditions. As they study the arguments, personalities, and stories throughout the Talmud, middle schoolers develop their analytical and critical thinking skills, grow their knowledge of Judaism’s laws, and gain an understanding of the texts that have influenced our way of thinking and our way of life.
Sixth graders study two to three perakim of mishnayot using the innovative Sulamot curriculum. They learn how to appreciate the Mishnah as a unified code of law, break down a Mishnah into its core components, and study key words, terms, and abbreviations.
At the end of the year, students begin their study of Gemara in earnest, starting with the chapter of Tefillat Hashachar in Masechet Berachot. Students also study relevant halakhot of the chagim and hilkhot tefillah.
Our seventh graders study the chapter of Tefillat Hashachar in Masechet Berachot. They identify key words and terms in each sugya, and learn to develop their abstract analysis of two sides of an argument. Students also study the positive and negative commandments relating to Shabbat.
Our eighth graders dive into the chapter of HaMafkid in Masechet Baba Metzia. They identify key words and terms in each sugya, and learn to develop their abstract analysis of two sides of an argument. Students also study the positive and negative commandments relating to Shabbat.
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