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Prepare for advanced learning and impactful careers by focusing on the fields transforming your present – and shaping your future.
Students considering a future in technology or the sciences will find their home in NSHAHS’ unique 360 program! 360 is an elective, comprehensive, specialized track for students interested in S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
360 students have the opportunity to participate in the Science Olympiad, the VEX Robotics Competition, the Yeshiva Hackathon, and the Congressional App Challenge – to name a few!
Studio 360, located in the science and engineering wing, was inspired by the vibrant visuals and communal atmosphere of a modern tech campus. Students on the 360 track spend time here during engineering classes and outside of class to work on independent research and long term projects – solving big problems to better our future.
“I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity NSHA gave me to explore my passion for research, science, and computer science. My internship at the Centers for Disease Control would not have been possible if not for your guidance, encouragement, and mentorship.”
– Shira Eisenberg ‘16
“I took engineering because there’s a lot of creative freedom and it enabled me to use science, math, and tech to problem-solve. After three years of engineering classes at NSHA, I’m now going to the University of Pennsylvania to study electrical engineering.”
– Ben Zareh ‘24
This course assigns students to teams which work to creatively solve world problems in science and engineering. Students will discover the full potential of the engineering design process as they learn to build and improve upon current technology. Students will learn the fundamentals of electrical engineering, including: electrical and tool safety, soldering and wiring electronic circuits, testing electronics using digital multimeters and oscilloscopes, circuit analysis using Ohm’s Law, and controlling motors and sensors using microcontrollers. The first major project of the semester will require students to build and test a fully functioning AM/FM Radio. Other projects include using Arduino to control various motors and sensors and an introduction to robotics using the VEX EXP platform. For the last few months of the school year, students will write a proposal, build a working prototype, and present their project in front of an audience.
This course is an innovative course for biology and tech minded students interested in studying and enhancing applications of living organisms. First, we will investigate how biological systems operate in order to solve problems involving differential diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. Second, we will discuss the history of how the Food and Drug Administration evaluates the fabrication of biomaterials, medical devices, and drug delivery systems. Throughout the school year, students will be required to individually formulate and present their analysis of scientific journal article, a task which encourages them to think critically while learning how to conduct quality research. In addition, students will perform a series of mini-experiments to help further their understanding of biosensors and control systems. For the capstone project, students will collaborate with Israeli biotech companies on novel research projects, encouraging the development of effective leadership and communicative skills.
This course is the third year of engineering track. Students will learn the fundamentals of mechanical engineering including: tensile and compressive stress and strain, pressure and how it relates to hydraulic and pneumatic systems, mechanical advantage, machining and manufacturing processes, finite element analysis, and a continuation of 3D modeling and design concepts. Concurrently, students are expected to design and submit their own groundbreaking research projects that may be submitted to science and engineering fairs. Students will use the VEX EXP robotics platform to solve various tasks while learning how hardware interacts with software. Together as a class, students will figure out how to incorporate signal processing, machine learning and computer vision to detect potential or a desired change in a pattern of behavior. Half-year group projects will require students to design and build mechanical systems. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment.
Robotics commences with a historical timeline followed by group exercises aimed at improving team mettle. In parallel to learning electro-mechanical solutions to industrial and societal challenges, students will work together on their prototypes for the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC). Throughout the year, students will apply their knowledge of machining, computer-aided design, and electro-mechanical systems to compete on the local level and become science and technology leaders. Students will design robots to efficiently complete the tasks provided by FIRST for that season’s competition. Each year in FTC, different rules and challenges require uniquely designed robots. Each year in Robotics, students get to experience a fresh set of challenges, as the game rules change from season to season.
Coming in 2024-2025. Stay tuned for details.
Computer Science and computational problem solving are fundamental skills for engaging the 21st-century marketplace of ideas and economies. All students should have the opportunity to learn these skills as they will use them in whatever career they are likely to enter. This is one of the reasons NYS has made computer science a graduation requirement.
There are several units of study in computer science essentials gradually building students up to a level of comfort that they too can create and develop sophisticated computing innovations and computational artifacts. The topics include: Your Digital Life, Computer Science For All, Introduction to Web Development, Introduction to App Development, Graphics & Animation with Python and Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
This course is equivalent to a semester-long, college-level course in computer science. The course continues to teach students about computer science focused around seven big ideas: creativity, abstraction, data & information, algorithms, programming, the Internet and global impact. The course will use MIT App Inventor and the Blockly programming language to teach students about programming concepts in the context of mobile application development. The AP Computer Science Principles course includes a performance based task where students creatively design their own unique programming app. Collaboration will also be a key component in the class. AP CSP is designed to be a prerequisite for AP CS A and/or Mobile Apps & Entrepreneurship IS.
College Python Programming is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in programming. The course introduces students to coding essentials including problem solving and program design, algorithms (sequence, selection/decisions, iteration/loops), data collection (lists, sets, dictionaries and scalar values), abstractions (procedures, functions), graphical user interfaces and user experience design. This is a project-based learning course where Python applications will be created and explored within a backdrop of traditional problems and more current computer science fields such as data visualization, machine learning, web scraping and integration with engineering projects. Collaboration will also be a key component in the class. Students may opt to earn college credit through LIU upon successful completion of this course.
This course introduces students to the main ideas in Data Science (DS), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) through project-based learning. Students will learn to ask questions of data and represent data through visualizations. They will also use critical thinking skills to look at how data is presented to them or used in articles and social media. The projects will range from exploring how AI is used in image recognition or price predictions, to how Spotify creates a shuffle list of their favorite song list. The course will cover the technical side of DS and AI, where students will be introduced to software used in the industry: Python, Pandas, scikit-learn, Colab Notebooks. In addition, the course will examine the implications of DS and AI including Data Ethics, Data Privacy, and how AI impacts all areas of our life.
This course is equivalent to a semester-long, college-level course in computer science. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language. The AP Computer Science A course includes a minimum of 20 hours of hands-on structured lab experiences to engage students in individual or group problem solving. Prerequisite: AP Computer Science Principles. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment.
In this Machine Learning class (ML) students will take a deep dive into the world of AI and Machine Learning and will understand the “magic” that’s behind chatGPT, image recognition, and more. Students will work in Python and will be introduced to various types of machine learning – supervised ML, unsupervised ML, and reinforcement learning. By the end of the class students will have a portfolio of projects that will include Regression Models, Classification Models, neural networks, Sentiment analysis, Clustering, and Natural Language Processing.
This course is a continuation of 9th Grade Science Research, during which students will continue to refine their reading, writing, and presentation skills and their development of science research. Students will begin learning how to conduct literature reviews and the first steps to seeking mentorship to conduct research with. Students will carry out their own independent research project, write a paper, and prepare an oral and visual presentation of their work for their classmates and for entry at a variety of fairs and competitions including: Molloy College Science Fair, Long Island Science Congress Senior Division, LISEF, New York Youth Summit, Toshiba Exploravision, Long Island Envirothon, The Physics Photo Challenge, The Paradigm Challenge, the Emperor Science Essay Challenge, N.A.S.A. Contests, and the New York State Archive Competition.
This course is by invitation only. It involves homework, reading and writing assignments and participation in up to 5 different competitions. This course is designed for serious students who are ready to make a huge time commitment to continue their science research outside of school. Students and teachers will work together to develop a plan for summer internships that will enable them to continue to pursue their interests over the coming summer vacation and on into the 11th and 12th Grade Research track.
Depending on their experience and independent work to date, junior and senior students of the Science Research Program will complete their summer research projects by effecting closure and following up by writing an advanced research paper, submitting their research efforts to major contests, and presenting poster board, oral, and visual presentations in defense of their work at these venues to professional judges. Students will also have the opportunity to provide mentorship to freshmen students. This will effectively conclude a rich and rewarding comprehensive research experience, which we hope will dovetail with research aspirations in college or university.
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