Music is the manifestation of the human spirit, similar to language. Its greatest practitioners have conveyed to mankind things not possible to say in any other language. If we do not want these to remain dead treasures, we must do our utmost to make the greatest possible number of people understand their idiom.
– Zoltan Kodaly, Composer
The study of music contributes to the quality of every student’s life.
Through singing, playing instruments, and composing, students can express themselves creatively, while their knowledge of notation and performance skills enables them to learn new music independently throughout their lives. Spirituality is uplifted and best expressed through singing. Playing an instrument requires discipline and is rewarding, challenging, exciting, and relaxing. Theory, music technology, and composition courses enable students to intelligently create and execute musical ideas. Skills in analysis and evaluation are critical because music is an integral part of human history. The ability to listen with understanding makes it possible for students to gain a broad cultural and historical perspective. Our students’ adulthood is enriched by the skills, knowledge, and habits acquired in the study of music. Our courses provide the foundation for lifelong participation and enjoyment in music.
Course Descriptions
Music in Our Lives – An Appreciation
The Performing Arts
Each performance course provides experience in creating, performing, listening to, and analyzing music. The repertoire studied represents diverse genres and styles, including Jewish music. A variety of performance opportunities throughout the school year provide the students with achievement goals.
The Symphonic Choir is a mixed-voice SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) 60+ voice ensemble. Auditions are required for admittance. Acceptance criteria include pitch and interval recognition, and singing comfortably within SATB ranges. Music literature includes classical, contemporary, and Jewish choral music arranged for 4-part mixed choir. Students are taught to sight-sing and read a choral score. Fundamentals of voice production are taught. Grades are determined by participation and achievement. Performance venues include New York City concert hall events, CD productions, New York museums, inter-school choral festivals, school and community-wide events, NSHA Dinner, Evening of Excellence, and fundraising events. 1 - 2 sessions per week for 2 semesters.
This select group of experienced singers with superior vocal ability is chosen from the choir. Acceptance criteria include: exceptional vocal, aural, and rhythmic blending ability. In addition to performing with the choir, the chamber choir studies technically challenging works for small ensembles as well as contemporary a cappella material. A professionally produced CD is recorded every four years. 1 session per week for 2 semesters.
This select group of experienced singers with superior vocal ability is chosen from the choir. The Glee Club studies technically challenging works for women’s voices. Acceptance criteria includes exceptional vocal, aural, and rhythmic blending ability. A professionally produced CD is recorded every four years. 1 session per week for 2 semesters.
This performance band class is a continuation of Introduction to Band Class. Performance venues include NSHA Dinner, Evening of Excellence, Salute to Israel Parade, and fundraising events. All music literature materials are provided. Assistance with instrument rentals and purchases are provided by the instructor. Prerequisite: audition. 5 sessions per week per year.
A performing ensemble of experienced musicians, this jazz combo is featured at such venues as the NSHA Dinner, Evening of Excellence, Battle of the Bands, and school and community events. Students study a varied repertoire of jazz standards and explore basic improvisation and jazz theory. Prerequisite: audition. 1 session per week.
A performing ensemble of experienced musicians, this dance band is featured at such venues as Jewish holiday celebrations and Shiriyah. A varied repertoire of Jewish music, including Klezmer selections, is studied. Prerequisite: audition. 1 session per week.
A performing ensemble of experienced violinists, pianists, and woodwind players, the Chamber Ensemble performs baroque and classical music at the NSHA Dinner and Evening of Excellence. Prerequisite: audition. 1 session per week.
The Music Conservatory, a member of NAFME and NYSSMA, is an after-school program offering students the opportunity to study with world class musicians in a conservatory setting. Open to beginners and experienced musicians, the music conservatory offers private and small class instruction on voice, piano, electronic keyboards, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, violin, viola, cello, upright bass, flute, clarinet, alto and tenor saxophone, trumpet, trombone, drums, and percussion instruments. Evaluation interviews assure proper placement. Practice rooms are available to students of the music conservatory during the school day. Students participate in NYSSMA music festivals. Students receive grades and merit music credit. Assistance with instrument rentals and purchases are provided by the instructor. 20 sessions per year.
This introductory class for 9th graders explores and develops the skills required to perform on a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument (to be determined by the instructor). Students learn basic music theory. Ensemble skills and techniques are addressed to ensure a musically cohesive band. Successful participants have the opportunity to continue as members of this growing and ongoing program, increasing the proficiency and enjoyment of the musicians. All music literature materials are provided. Assistance with instrument rentals and purchases are provided by the instructor. Prerequisite: Music aptitude interview. 5 sessions per week/year.
This introductory class for 10th graders explores and develops the skills required to perform on a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument (to be determined by the instructor). Students learn basic music theory. Ensemble skills and techniques are addressed to ensure a musically cohesive band. Successful participants have the opportunity to continue as members of this growing and ongoing program, increasing the proficiency and enjoyment of the musicians. All Music literature materials are provided. Assistance with instrument rentals and purchases are provided by the instructor. Prerequisite: Music aptitude interview. 5 sessions per week/year.