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2025-2026 Course Booklet for Seniors
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All students are required to take one English course every semester for a total of four years of English. This is a requirement for graduation. Students must choose one of the following English options. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for AP courses.
Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition
This twelfth grade course is a preparatory course for the Advanced Placement Examination in English Literature and Composition. Students must read widely and reflect on their reading through extensive discussion, writing and rewriting. The primary focus is on the close reading and both verbal and written critical analysis of imaginative literature in terms of the individual work’s structure, style, theme and its use of smaller scale elements such as diction, irony, figurative language, imagery, symbolism and tone. Students must become extremely familiar with a few chosen works of recognized literary merit and must also develop the skill to analyze pieces they have never seen before. The underlying philosophy of the course is summed up in the concept that language creates meaning. Primarily, this is a skills development course. Students are not evaluated on the basis of their mastery of specific texts they have already studied. Instead, they are required to demonstrate the ability to analyze and evaluate works that are new to them. In all tasks, provisions are made for the students to practice the four tasks of the English classroom: listening, speaking, reading and writing. An intensive study of poetry from 1600 to the present is also a component of the course. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment.
Senior English—Evil, Justice, Surprise
Our seniors who do not elect to take AP English may take this course which is structured to prepare them for their freshman year in college, while fostering in them an appreciation for the nuances of language. In this course, the students investigate three thematic modules through reading, writing, speaking and listening. Every kind of communication—print, digital, video, oral, pictorial—is considered to be a text. The texts for use in each module are based on three themes: The Devil’s Trick—A Study of Evil ; And Justice for All; Surprise, Surprise.
Senior English—Poetry and the Short Story
Our seniors who do not elect to take AP English may take this course which is structured to prepare them for their freshman year in college, while fostering in them an appreciation for the nuances of language. In this course we accomplish this goal by an intensive study of writers who have elected to make their points using literary short forms. These include narrative, dramatic and lyrical poetry and the short story, from flash fiction to the novella. Students will be engaged in group study of these forms, but also independent study of poetry and short prose works on a theme they identify, e.g., women, adolescence, poverty, injustice, power struggles, unrequited relationships, etc.
Seniors must take one of the following courses in order to fulfill the senior history graduation requirement. You may take an additional course as an elective. Enrolling in the AP courses requires teacher and administrative approval.
Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics
Twelfth grade students will be given the option to take Advanced Placement U.S. Government. The advanced placement program is designed to allow students the opportunity to pursue college level courses in high school. This one-year course is the study of the role of the national government and its relationship to the concept of liberty in a pluralistic society. The course will cover the influence of American political culture, political parties, public opinion, the media, and interest groups on the Congress, the Presidency, and our Court System. A sophisticated understanding of majority-rule democracy, constitutionalism, and civil liberties will be stressed. The course also includes a study of economics and its interrelation with the U.S. government. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment.
United States Government/Economics
Seniors who do not take the AP course on this topic may elect to take this course. In the fall term, the course familiarizes students with the workings of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our government. The basic principles of our democracy—separation of powers, federalism and checks and balances will be explored. The Constitution and its Amendments will also be examined in order to understand the principle of government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Economics is the spring term course. The course explores both microeconomics (laws of supply and demand and the resulting price structure) and macroeconomics (taxation, banking, measuring the economy, and the financial markets). Throughout the term, the course will examine the role played by the United States government in our free-enterprise system.
Principles of Constitutional Law/Jewish Perspectives on Constitutional Law
The goals of this course are to read and analyze the rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court, prognosticate rulings on matters currently before the Court, to evaluate the role of precedent in the American legal system and to analyze judicial personalities and their effect on jurisprudence. Emphasis will be placed on case law with respect to the establishment of religion, freedom of speech, right to privacy, the death penalty and discrimination. Additionally, we will explore the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the role of Justice Roberts in shaping the current court. In the second semester, students will have the opportunity to study Jewish law and the legal tradition from a comparative legal perspective.
Much of the American case law studied in the first semester will be placed in conversation with the Jewish legal tradition, spanning materials from the Bible and Talmud to medieval and modern responsa. Particular attention will be placed on what this rabbinic material has to say about some of the most vexing legal questions in contemporary American society like healthcare, abortion, gun control, religion in the public square, and freedom of speech and censorship. Students will gain fluency with rabbinic texts, develop greater understanding of how Jewish law works, and appreciate the relevancy of our Jewish tradition on some of the most pressing issues of our time.
Advanced Placement Macroeconomics
AP Macroeconomics is a course designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of the principles of economics by examining aggregate economic behavior. Students taking the course can expect to learn how the measures of economic performance, such as GDP, inflation and unemployment are constructed and how to apply them to evaluate the macroeconomic conditions of an economy. Students will also learn the basic analytical tools of macroeconomics, primarily the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model and its application in the analysis and determination of national income, as well as in evaluating the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy in promoting economic growth and stability. Recognizing the global nature of economics, students will also have ample opportunities to examine the impact of international trade and international finance on national economies. Various economic schools of thought are introduced as solutions to economic problems are considered. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment.
20th Century History & Pop Culture
This is an elective course open to12th grade students in which they will have the opportunity to learn about the music, media and even fashion that has shaped modern history. From the impact of mass immigration at the turn of the century to the roaring 20s, impact of African American music and dance, the Hollywood industry and the Jewish immigrants who helped develop it, Elvis’s impact on cultural diffusion, the McCarthy Era, and ultimately civil rights, Woodstock and Vietnam. 12th graders will analyze to what extent pop culture shapes society. Students will be assessed using project based presentations and assignments.
Politics, History and Culture in Film
This is an elective course for seniors. The United States has a rich history of filmmaking. Aside from its entertainment value, films have been employed to educate people and communicate and illuminate important ideas about the world.. Arguably one of the greatest contributions of film is its use as a vehicle to transport us to another place and time – if only for a short while. This course is a study of American History and Politics using feature films as the primary source of information and inspiration. In class, we will examine topics presented in the film through discussion and lecture as well as documentary films and clips from additional feature films.
World Events and Politics
This is an elective open to seniors. What is actually going on in the world? This curriculum will focus on current events. 12th grade students will learn about media bias, “right vs left” media platforms and the influence of social media on politics. Units will include both national and international major events and an analysis of how it may affect our lives. There will also be a unit on analyzing economic data in the news and a unit specifically studying Israeli current events and how it is portrayed in the media. Students will be assessed through written assignments and oral presentations. The final project will include a student-made documentary.
Students are required to take one math course in the senior year. Placement will be decided by the department. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for AP courses. You may request AP Statistics as an elective.
AP Calculus BC
This course is open to seniors who have completed Pre-Calculus BC. Students study properties of functions, limits, continuity, definition of the derivative, techniques of differentiation, using calculus to graph functions, rectilinear motion, applied maximum and minimum problems, Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem, the indefinite integral, slope fields, the definite integral, the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus, average value, applications of the definite integral including area and volume, integration by parts, first order separable differential equations, length of a plane curve, advanced integration techniques, improper integrals, first order separable differential equations, Maclaurin and Taylor series, convergence tests for series, polar coordinates, area in polar coordinates, and calculus on vector functions. Technology including a graphing calculator is used. Teacher recommendation required for enrollment.
AP Calculus AB
This course is offered to seniors who have completed Pre-Calculus AB. Topics include properties of functions, limits, continuity, definition of the derivative, techniques of differentiation, using calculus to graph functions with, rectilinear motion, applied maximum and minimum problems, Rolle’s Theorem and the Mean Value Theorem, the indefinite integral, slope fields, the definite integral, the Fundamental Theorems of Calculus, average value, applications of the definite integral including area and volume, and first order separable differential equations. Technology including a graphing calculator is used. Teacher recommendation required for enrollment.
Calculus 12
This course is for seniors who have successfully completed pre-calculus AB in the junior year and elect to further their mathematics studies. The course encompasses the study of all elements of a first semester college calculus course including limits, the definition of the derivative, differentiation, and applications of differentiation.
Pre-Calculus 12
This course is open to seniors who have completed Algebra II with Trigonometry and elect to further their mathematics studies. The course encompasses the study of various functions, including linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric, as well as work with sequences and data analysis.
AP Statistics
This course is the equivalent of an introductory college-level course. Students will focus on four major themes: exploratory data analysis, designing studies, probability models and simulation, and statistical inference. In essence, students develop strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from real-world data. Students design, administer, and tabulate results from surveys and experiments. Probability and simulations aid students in constructing models for chance phenomena. Sampling distributions provide the logical structure for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Students use a graphing calculator, formula sheets, statistical tables and activities to investigate statistical concepts. To develop effective statistical communication skills, students are required to prepare frequent written and oral analyses of real data. Students will regularly build interdisciplinary connections with other subjects and with their world outside of school. Teacher recommendation required for enrollment.
Students are strongly recommended to take one science course in senior year. Placement is determined by the department in consultation with you and the administration. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment in AP courses. You may take an additional course as an elective.
AP Physics C
This is a calculus-based physics course that demands a strong mathematics background. The course emphasizes the broad field of mechanics typical of a college-level course and delves deeply into topic areas such as kinematics, dynamics, momentum, energy, rotations, gravitation, and oscillations. The laboratory is used to derive and illustrate major concepts of physics and to compare these idealized mathematical concepts, theories, and laws with the real-world phenomena. AP Physics students need to develop skills in performing laboratory activities with modern equipment and computer interfaces and analyzing data. Problem solving is an important part of the class and as such practice applications will be assigned. Only students concurrently enrolled in Calculus BC will be approved for this course.
AP Physics I
AP Physics I is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. The course focuses on Newtonian mechanics and dynamics; Circular motion and Gravitation; Work, Power and Energy; Linear Momentum, Simple Harmonic Motion; and Torque and Rotational motion. Students cultivate their understanding of physics through classroom study, demonstrations, in-class activity, and hands-on, inquiry-based laboratory work as they explore concepts like systems, fields, force interactions, change, conservation, and waves. AP Physics 1 students will keep and are encouraged to retain their physics laboratory notebooks, reports, and other materials as colleges may require students to present their laboratory materials from the course before granting college credit for the laboratory component.
Foundational Physics
Foundational Physics considers topics related to energy and matter, and the principles that govern the motion of particles and waves. Mathematics is introduced as a "language" for describing physical phenomena and students are encouraged to solve problems using mathematics throughout the course. For students who struggle with math, this course shows them real world applications without the complexity of multi-step equations. The laboratory is used to teach the concepts of physics and make connections to basic math. In this way, students will experience physics in a way that is meaningful and directly applicable to their lives. The topics covered in this course include: mechanics, work-energy theory, spring systems, optics, electricity and magnetism.
AP Biology
AP Biology is offered as an introductory college-level biology course spanning the breadth of the life sciences offered to highly motivated students of strong academic quality. The curriculum which has undergone recent redesigning and College Board approval now stresses critical thinking and application of biological concepts in the context of 4 ‘big ideas.’ The thematic approach makes study areas more meaningful as students make connections across the syllabus. Ultimately, students will develop a conceptual understanding of modern biology emphasizing applications of biological knowledge, scientific methodology, techniques, and critical thinking. These tools will help students understand themselves and the living world around them and better prepare them for the scientific, environmental, and social changes that will be a prominent part of their future. It is important to note that the conceptual framework of this course is based on the current ideals of evolution as the underlying foundation for all biological principles. AP Biology includes rewritten crucial laboratory exercises suggested by the College Board as well as several other labs deemed both important and helpful. After-school laboratory and classroom sessions are often scheduled to meet course requirements. In addition to work using the assigned textbook, students are required to study and master many forms of text supplementation, including on-line sources and current scientific literature.
The forensics elective course provides a perfect opportunity to conflate reasoning skills, the application of the scientific method, genetics, and technology, with one of the most exciting career directions. The course quickly expands from basic skills in observation to the disciplined processing of data and crime situations, to ultimately the use of modern CSI techniques based on genetics, anatomy, chemistry, and physics. The formal lab program is adapted from institutions that are leaders in criminal investigation and discussions as well as forensic simulations stem from guest presentations from the field of CSI, classic crime cases, as well as reports from news and current events. The course culminates in the actual practical processing of a simulated crime scene.
Anatomy and Physiology
The Anatomy and Physiology elective is a co-accredited course under the auspices of a local university. Students completing the course with good standing earn four transferable college credits from State University of New York. The course focuses on structures and functions of the human body in an organ system format and the maintenance of homeostasis. Topic areas include comparative histology, integumentary system, musculoskeletal system, digestive system, blood and cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous and endocrine systems, urinary system, reproductive systems and lymphatic and immune systems. Mechanisms of diseases that plague human beings will provide one fertile area for student research which will be a strong emphasis. Discussions will be held pertaining to the impact of new genetic and technological developments, and lifestyle influences on maintaining health and avoiding disease. There will be a laboratory component featuring visuals, models, and dissections where students will get hands-on experience. This course will challenge critical thinking and ultimately will require students to apply their knowledge to solving and diagnosing real cases.
All twelfth graders are required to take physical education.
Students are encouraged to meet their physical, emotional, and competitive needs through games, teams, and sports. Instruction will include units covering physical fitness, health, nutrition, flag football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball, and team handball.
Senior Double Gemara/Beit Midrash
We will study topics in the 8th פרק (Chapter) of מסכת סנהדרין in great depth (עיון). The common theme underlying these topics is that they represent life and death dilemmas in halacha. Analyzing these topics will offer us insight into the Torah’s perspective on how to weigh the value of human life when it clashes with other Torah values. We will also learn other parts of Masechet Sanhedrin at a faster pace [בקיאות] to be exposed to many different topics and pages of גמרא within our מסכת. The additional periods offered by the Beit Midrash Program affords us the opportunity to create an environment which is challenging and serious yet relaxed and enjoyable. The goal is that this environment will enable serious Torah learning and spiritual growth while also promoting the development of genuine friendships amongst the group.
Controversial Topics in the Talmud (Bekiut)
This course will explore controversial topics and debates within the Gemara that are not typically covered in yeshiva high school. Topics include: the existence of demons and supernatural beings, the relationship between Judaism and Zionism, and the relationship between Jews and non-Jews. By the end of the course, students will have gained a deeper appreciation of the scope of the Talmud and better appreciate how complex Talmudic debates continue to inform Jewish thought and practice today.
Women, Talmud, & Jewish Law
This course will examine the halakhic status of women and their obligations in Jewish law, specifically focusing on their roles in tefillah, shabbat and holidays, and voluntary mitzvot. Students will explore concepts of personality, relationships, and modesty, and learn about Jewish marriage, niddah, and mikvah. Additionally, the course will delve into the challenges that young women face on college campuses and beyond. Throughout the course, students will analyze primary texts from the Talmud and other halakhic sources, as well as contemporary Jewish writings on women and Jewish law. They will develop critical thinking skills as they discuss and debate different interpretations and applications of Jewish law to women's lives. Students will have the opportunity to participate in interactive discussions and experiential learning, including a visit to local mikvah and opportunity to hear from women of varied life experiences.
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Life: Studying the Bible's Lessons for Today
In this course, we will explore the books of Mishlei, Kohelet, Iyov, & Tehillim, which are known for their exploration of the human experience and the pursuit of wisdom. Through a close reading of these Biblical texts, we will examine the themes of wisdom, morality, ethical living, and the limits of human reason and understanding. By the end of this course, you will have a deep understanding of the wisdom literature in the Hebrew Bible and its relevance to our modern lives. You will also develop critical reading and analytical skills that will be useful in your future academic pursuits and religious lives.
From Sibling Rivalry to Forgiveness: Lessons on Family Dynamics from the Bible
This course will explore the complex family dynamics and relationships in Tanach, with a particular focus on sibling rivalry and reconciliation. We will analyze specific examples such as Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Moses and Aaron, and the drama within the Davidic royal family. What can we learn from these biblical narratives and how might they be relevant to contemporary understandings of family relationships?
Halacha after High School: Business and Medical Ethics in Jewish Law
This course will explore the intersection of Jewish law, medicine, and business ethics. Students will examine various ethical issues that arise in medical and business contexts, and learn how Jewish law provides guidance on these issues. In the business ethics portion of the course, students will examine topics such as lending and borrowing, taking interest, fair business practices, and employer-employee relationships. Students will analyze case studies and learn how Jewish law and tradition can inform halakhic decision-making in these contexts. In the medical ethics portion of the course, students will examine topics such as physician-patient relationships, end-of-life decision-making, and organ donation. Students will analyze case studies and learn how Jewish law and tradition can inform ethical decision-making in these contexts. Throughout the course, students will engage with primary sources, including biblical and Talmudic texts, as well as contemporary rabbinic responsa. Students will also have opportunities to engage in group discussions and debates and deepen their understanding and love of Halacha and Jewish law.
Advanced Jewish Philosophy: God, Free Will, & the World to Come
This course is an in-depth study of some of the most foundational questions in Jewish philosophy. Topics include: knowledge of God, purpose of creation, free will, the problem of evil and suffering, Olam HaBa, Mashiach, and Techiyat Hameitim. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to think critically and analytically about the philosophical issues at stake in these texts, as well as to develop their own philosophical positions in response. The course will culminate in a short research paper in which students will explore a particular topic or question within Jewish philosophy in greater depth.
All courses in the World Language Department are electives. Students are encouraged to pursue their study of foreign language if they have completed advanced levels in previous years. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for AP and college level courses.
French IV
The students enrolled in this course master topical vocabulary, grammar, idioms, and practical expressions on an advanced level. They discuss a variety of contemporary themes gathered from authentic materials, including novels, films, short stories, articles and newspaper articles. Literary vocabulary is acquired. This course emphasizes aural comprehension and oral proficiency. These students will be eligible for Adelphi University college credits upon completion of the course.
Spanish V
A communicative approach will be continued of Spanish language mastery including in- depth literary analysis and essay and paragraph writing. The students will acquire more advanced communicative skills in multiple tenses with an extensive vocabulary base as well as increased synonym and antonym acquisition. Cultural information will be accessed and discussed, Spanish newspapers read weekly, and novels, essays and poetry will be studied. Literary vocabulary is taught. These students will be eligible for Adelphi University college credits upon completion of the course.
Spanish IV
The students enrolled in this course master topical vocabulary, grammar, idioms, and practical expressions on an advanced level. They discuss a variety of contemporary themes gathered from authentic materials, including novels. Newspaper article analysis assigned weekly and written paragraphs and essays submitted. This course emphasizes aural comprehension and oral proficiency. Those students wishing to enroll can take this course for college credit from Adelphi University. Three college credits may be earned. (Adelphi Spanish 122)
All courses in the computer science department are electives. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required.
AP Computer Science A
This course is equivalent to a semester-long, college-level course in computer science. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both structural and object-oriented problem solving and design using the Java language. The AP Computer Science A course includes a minimum of 20 hours of hands-on structured lab experience to engage students in individual or group problem solving. Prerequisite: AP Computer Science Principles. Teacher recommendation required for enrollment.
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
In this Machine Learning class (ML) students will take a deep dive into the world of AI and Machine Learning and will understand the “magic” that’s behind ChatGPT, image recognition, and more. Students will work in Python and will be introduced to various types of machine learning - supervised ML, unsupervised ML, and reinforcement learning. By the end of the class students will have a portfolio of projects that will include Regression Models, Classification Models, Neural Networks, Sentiment Analysis, Clustering, and Natural Language Processing.
Advanced Topics in Computer Science (Independent Study)
This course will be a student driven course in advanced computer science topics. The course is currently through independent study with a teacher as advisor and guide. Students pursue topics of interest to them. Usually students who take this course have taken all other CS courses offered at the school and plan to pursue computer science in college. Topics that students have previously learned include JavaScript, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Advanced Mobile Application Development, Unity/Game Development and Mobile Apps & Entrepreneurship.
All courses in the engineering department are electives. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required.
Advanced Robotics
Robotics commences with a historical timeline followed by group exercises aimed at improving team mettle. In parallel to learning electro-mechanical solutions to industrial and societal challenges, students will work together on their prototypes for the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC). Throughout the year, students will apply their knowledge of machining, computer-aided design, and electro-mechanical systems to compete on the local level and become science and technology leaders. Students will design robots to efficiently complete the tasks provided by FIRST for that season's competition. Each year in FTC, different rules and challenges require uniquely designed robots. Each year in Robotics, students get to experience a fresh set of challenges, as the game rules change from season to season.
All business courses are electives. We have partnered with several local colleges to offer courses for college credits. Students may enroll in these courses at a significantly reduced cost and earn college credits. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required.
Advanced College Accounting II
This course provides a thorough and comprehensive look into Managerial Accounting. Students will explore business concepts and methods used to report managerial performance information to internal users and managers to assist in making sound business decisions in managing the firm. Topics include product costing methodologies, cost behavior, operational and capital budgeting, and performance evaluation. Students can earn 3 college credits.
College Investing/Real Estate
We cover Investing in semester one and real estate Investing in semester two. The investing course includes topics that every investor should know, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, hedge funds, private equity, commodities and more. Current events will play an important role in class discussions. Every student will participate in a simulated stock market game. The real estate course covers topics such as researching and finding properties, building a portfolio, financial analysis, legal issues and more. Students can earn three credits for each course, for a total of six credits.
College Marketing/Entrepreneurship
We cover Marketing in semester one and Entrepreneurship in semester two. The Marketing course focuses on the central role that marketing plays in the business process. The key areas of study are the 4 P’s: product, price, promotion and place. We have lots of group projects as well as individual and group presentations. The entrepreneurship course covers the fundamentals of starting a new business from idea generation to financing. Students will develop an idea for a new business product or service and write a comprehensive business plan. Students can earn 3 credits for each course, for a total of six credits. This course will help students to become comfortable with technology tools necessary for success in the business world. As such, laptops are required for this class. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment.
College Virtual Enterprise
Virtual Enterprise is a live global business simulation in which students create and manage a virtual business. The program provides opportunities to develop valuable 21st-century skills in entrepreneurship, global business, problem solving, communication, personal finance and technology. VE replicates all the functions and demands of real businesses in both structure and practice. As “employees” of the virtual business, students experience the expectations of the workplace and are accountable for the firm’s performance. Students can earn three college credits. Teacher recommendation and administrative approval are required for enrollment.
All courses in the Art Department are electives. Enrollment requires teacher and administrative approval.
Advanced Placement Studio Art is a distinctive and rigorously demanding course of study which teaches students how to elevate their creative process, critical thinking, investigative skills and ‘student voice’ in preparation of effectively completing The College Board requirements of the AP Studio Art Exam administered at the end of the school year. The AP Studio Art Exam consists of a student developed body of successful artwork which will be submitted in a portfolio. The culmination of the student produced artwork during the school year is aimed at targeting and exploring their chosen sustained investigation which was selected in AP Art 1. The investigation focuses on a body of work based on a “Central Theme" and focuses on a process of INVESTIGATION, GROWTH and DISCOVERY. Students are required to attend to their sketchbooks and continuously explore and research their Art Assignment topics so that they may develop the vital skills needed to successfully complete their investigation. Prerequisite: AP Art I.
Studio Art II
Studio Art 2 is a second-year course that provides an opportunity for students to expand on the drawing and painting concepts introduced in Studio Art 1. Emphasis is placed on a deeper understanding of design principles, drawing techniques and painting skills leading to the development of abilities that are necessary for advanced art courses. Students are given more in depth problems to solve creatively while becoming more adept through a broad exposure to various media. Students will advance both technically and conceptually, preparing them for the next level of art at North Shore. Alongside refining their artistic skill set, the students will learn about 21st century art and have the opportunity to visit contemporary art institutions. Prerequisite: Studio Art I.
Pre College-Portfolio Development (non AP)
Portfolio Development is a new course offered at NSHAHS. We are trying to bridge the gap between HS and College by preparing students for the next step in an art career. Students will create a series of new works that span from drawing, painting and mixed media, showcasing a core understanding of a variety of materials as well as the courage to experiment and break the traditional boundaries of each medium and subject matter. Our objective is to provide students with a professional portfolio that can offer admission to high-ranking universities with scholarships. In addition to creating art, our Portfolio Development course will prepare students to become fluent in the art language. Through artist statements, participating in group critiques, and photographing and digitizing artworks, students will become familiar and comfortable in speaking about not only their own art, but others’ works as well. Prerequisite: Studio Art II, or AP Art I.
Fashion Design III
This design course further encompasses the fashion design process from inspiration through production learned in Fashion Design 2. Focus is on draping, sculpting and 3D textile design and exploration. Projects will deal with pragmatic and creative issues. Assignments are progressive so that students will continue to have the opportunity to establish their professional identity and brand. They will utilize a range of media and a variety of techniques to create versatility in their work and portfolio. Museum, fabric store trips, and fashion show trips are planned. This course aims to broaden and deepen the students' awareness of fashion as a discipline as they work on completing a portfolio for presentations to colleges. Prerequisite: Fashion Design II.
Architecture III
Students will reinforce skills they learned in the earlier courses and focus on design techniques, as well as review and study the history of architecture. Emphasis will switch to conceptual design and planning on larger urban scales. Students will study Urban planning, also known as town planning, city planning, regional planning, or rural planning, is a technical and political process that is focused on the development and design of land use and the built environment, including air, water, and the infrastructure passing into and out of urban areas, such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks and their accessibility. They will work at a variety of scales, with a variety of techniques in a variety of research situations while being asked to comprehensively address architectural problems. This course aims to broaden and deepen the students' awareness of architecture as a discipline as they work on completing a portfolio for presentations to colleges. Prerequisite: Architecture II
Architecture II
This course is for the student who has completed the requirements for Introduction to Architecture 1 and plans possibly to pursue his or her architectural studies as part of their college education. Students will reinforce skills they learned in the earlier course and focus in on design techniques, as well as review and study the history of architecture, build scale models from plans and build vertically, understand shape, convex and concave, space, light, acoustics, circulation, enclosure, boundaries, path, threshold and portal, understand the use of planes and their relationship to patterns, consider issues dealing with commercial/ public space, render hand illustrations using a variety of media, become aware of the need for conservancy and the need for buildings that reflect respect for environments and future generations and learn about the history and evolving technologies of modern architecture. Emphasis will switch to vertical construction and consideration of public space vs. private space as well as architectural production as a process of analysis, critique and synthesis. Students will study architectural design as a mode of cultural communication and imaginative experimentation. They will work at a variety of scales, with a variety of techniques in a variety of research situations while being asked to comprehensively address architectural problems. This course aims to broaden and deepen the students' awareness of architecture as a discipline as they work on preparing a portfolio for presentations to colleges. Prerequisite Architecture I.
Architecture I
This is a course in which basic fundamentals of architecture are examined and perfected. While design will be the main emphasis for this level and the student should have a good background in basic mathematics. Students will learn about the design process and explore the architectural concepts of space, form, function, and technology. Students will learn how to create mechanical and freehand drawings, draw in 1, 2 and 3pt perspective, interpret and create floor plans, create orthographic and isometric drawings, understand drawing to scale and read blueprints, construct scale models, consult with groups on various approaches to design problems, address environmental concerns and conservation efforts, learn to render architectural styles, explore the history of architecture, reference the internet for architectural sources and create computer renderings using CAD. Trips to or visits by working architects are anticipated.
Fashion Design I
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the world of fashion design. They will acquire knowledge and skills related to the principles of fashion illustration and design by utilizing a range of media and a variety of techniques to create versatility in their work. Students will learn the proportions of the fashion (croquis) figure. They will learn through the elements and principles of design as they pertain to fashion, design terminology for apparel and recognition of design styles are also included as components of the course. Students will be required to demonstrate creative use of inspiration and design experimentation through various projects and a design journal and will be assessed on their knowledge of terminology, styles and applicability of the elements and principles. Museum and fashion show trips are planned.
Fashion Design II
This design course further encompasses the fashion design process from inspiration through production learned in Fashion Design 1. Focus is on developing the fashion silhouette and fabric rendering techniques using a variety of materials. Students will study the interconnectivity between fabric weight/texture and garment representation based on rendered croquis. Principles and creative standards common to all design fields will be introduced. Projects will deal with pragmatic and creative issues. Assignments are progressive so that students will have the opportunity to establish their professional identity. They will utilize a range of media and a variety of techniques to create versatility in their work and portfolio. Additionally, sewing basics will be introduced to students. Students will be exposed to how a historical timeline of fashion is reflective of society. This will help to illustrate the ways in which material use has been affected by the technological changes in manufacturing. Museum, fabric store trips, and fashion show trips are planned. Prerequisite: Fashion I.
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