High School Chemists Explore the Science and Halachot of Candle Lighting

In high school “Halacha Labs,” Torah learning and science converge in a remarkable, relevant ways.

This week, students gathered for a hands-on Chanuka experiment, during which they explored the halachic and chemical principles behind fuels and wicks used for Shabbat and Chanuka lighting. This lab beautifully complemented students’ year-long Halacha study on Hilchot Shabbat and was especially relevant for the chag.

Led by Mr. Jeremy Bassali ‘20, Rabbi Yehuda Chinskey, and Ms. Gillian Evanoff, the lab offered a unique opportunity to examine materials like beeswax, beef tallow, castor oil, pitch, and wool — and analyze their flammability, burn rates, pungent and sweet scents, and halachic significance.

Throughout the program, students referred back to the Mishnaic and Talmudic opinions of what items constitute the best, worst, acceptable and non acceptable materials for candle lighting.

This program is a shining example of our Yeshiva’s dedication to Torat Chayim – bringing Torah to life through meaningful, experiential learning. As Mr. Bassali noted, the experience underscored the beautiful harmony between Torah and science, both crafted by the Divine Creator, Hashem.

Thank you to the chairs of our Science and Halacha Departments, Mr. Tom Elkins and Rabbi Yehuda Chinskey, for making this extraordinary lab possible.