High School Students Lend a Helping Hand in South Carolina Hurricane Relief Effort

This week, twelve high school students flew to North Carolina for three days to help with hurricane relief efforts. It was a life-changing experience not only for the people they helped, but for the students as well.

Each day, students visited a different house damaged during Hurricane Helene earlier this fall to help with whatever repairs they could. They ripped out carpets, drywall, floorboards and insulation, and carried heavy furniture out of homes and into storage units. They also cleaned up garbage and destroyed objects from the storm.

They showed up, with smiles on their faces, and made a huge Kiddush Hashem – showing the people of North Carolina that when people are in need, Jews show up to help.

Students were surprised to discover that many of the homeowners had never even met a Jewish person, but knew that leaving a positive impression would make a difference. They discussed how there is so much antisemitism in the world now, and they were proud to be able to represent the Jewish people and hopefully add a little light to the world.

Thank you to Tanach teacher Ms. Meira Berner for leading students on this transformative trip, and empowering them as selfless leaders. We are so proud of their hard work and commitment to chesed!