By Rabbi Jansenson – 7th grade Haggadah Project Editor
Once again the 7th grade students, with the help and guidance of their teachers: Rabbi Shalom, Rabbi Jensen, Rabbi Acobas and Rabbi Kobrin published a Haggadah for Peasach.
By Chanukah each student was given a part of the Haggadah to study. They learned about the structure of a d’var Torah and how to look at the Haggadah and seek a different and deeper meaning. With the usage of various Haggadot we keep for our young explorers in our school library, they each selected a commentary that they appreciated and wrote about in their own words.
The written Divrei Torah were then collected and combined with the Hagaddah text and illustrations.
Each family then got a complete Haggadah that they can share and enjoy.
The past years that this project has been run, we received many comments from parents, students and teachers who enjoyed the inspiring divrei Torah that elevated their seder nights.
Kol Hakavod to all participants and Gemara teachers for their hard and dedicated work.
פסח כשר ושמח
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